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Hop up Problems

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Hi a friend got second hand TM mp5. It chokes when firing I have tried 2 different hopup rubbers g&g and cheap Brand. Is there anything else that may cos choking. 

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Energy output? what bb weight are you trying to lift?

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TMs should have zero issues lifting 0.25s..


Is the hop unit perfectly aligned to the nozzle?

Is the tensioner applying decent pressure? Is it correctly seated in the hop arm?


You mentioned a G&G rubber which I supposed is the green one, I only had issues with them. They just did nothing-nothing-nothing-JAM ALL THE BBS.

I'd try with a Prometheus purple, I only had great results with them (mind you, I'm capped at 1J too :)) hopping up to 0.28s nice and straight (wouldn't go heavier, after all it's still a standard mound rubber)

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