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das Gdr 15

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Is that because you won one earlier on airsoft competitions? 😅


I had a go one my friends one a little while back.

Love the feel of it and firing it was great fun.


It actually has a nicely weighted trigger pull and didn't feel like an on/off switch.


Recoil is nice and a touch more solid a kick than the TM Recoils.

Not quite as good as a GBBR or Tippmann.


Great, but I wouldn't buy one unless they were half the price. And that would only be lottery win purchase territory.


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2 hours ago, L3wisD said:

Is that because you won one earlier on airsoft competitions? 😅


I had a go one my friends one a little while back.

Love the feel of it and firing it was great fun.


It actually has a nicely weighted trigger pull and didn't feel like an on/off switch.


Recoil is nice and a touch more solid a kick than the TM Recoils.

Not quite as good as a GBBR or Tippmann.


Great, but I wouldn't buy one unless they were half the price. And that would only be lottery win purchase territory.


Correct o ly reason i now own one lol aisoft competitions are great won a ronin t10 weeks ago chuffed to say the least

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