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Selling Rifs


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Hello all.

I hope I am not breaking the rules.

I have a general question about selling all my Airsoft gear which I have accumulated over the years.

I no longer go to sites to participate in activities. 

I would like to find a home for all my guns and equipment. 

I know the law about selling, but as long as you have a airsoft permit surely you can purchase them.

Looking forward to you questions and answers. 

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Selling RIF’s, it’s the sellers responsibility (yours) to be satisfied the buyer has a reason to own them (a defence), and and be over 18. IF’s the buyer must be over 18 


Thats it

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Go for it. 

Look forward to seeing your ads in the classifieds.👍


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As rocketdogbert says as long as you are convinced that the person your selling to has a valid defence then your sweet.


Online that's usually ukara, although i've seen re-enactment memberships too.


In person it can be easier if you're playing, folk you see on the regular at sites etc is good strong evidence (arguably stronger than any ukara etc).


This is only for rif's though, pouches, accessories, mags etc (anything thats not a gun shaped object) doesnt need that rigmarole.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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