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Hi all, I have just started playing paintball (bear with me ) I was totally unaware of airsoft, and still am really. That said, I prefer the more tactical approach to games and also the look of airsoft guns.

One thing that is apparent to me is the cost of paintball!!! But, more importantly, I can't turn up for work every Monday covered in bruises

I understand ( though I have no preconceptions ) that there is a bit of an airsoft v paintball debate.

The long and the short of it is, I would love to try airsoft and wondered how? And when/where.

I live in Huddersfield.

A couple of questions,

Anyone out there ex paintball, if so, why?

What is the range of an airsoft gun?

How often do you play?

Can anyone help me with the terms AEG, blowback etc and what is perceived to be the best make/ style/most popular gun.

What sort of costs are involved?

I appreciate this is quite a few questions, but I would welcome any responses :D

Thanks in advance

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  DB100 said:
Hi all, I have just started playing paintball (bear with me ) I was totally unaware of airsoft, and still am really. That said, I prefer the more tactical approach to games and also the look of airsoft guns.

One thing that is apparent to me is the cost of paintball!!! But, more importantly, I can't turn up for work every Monday covered in bruises

I understand ( though I have no preconceptions ) that there is a bit of an airsoft v paintball debate.

The long and the short of it is, I would love to try airsoft and wondered how? And when/where.

I live in Huddersfield.

A couple of questions,

Anyone out there ex paintball, if so, why?

What is the range of an airsoft gun?

How often do you play?

Can anyone help me with the terms AEG, blowback etc and what is perceived to be the best make/ style/most popular gun.

What sort of costs are involved?

I appreciate this is quite a few questions, but I would welcome any responses :D

Thanks in advance


Im ex-paintball. I started airsoft because it's the closest you can get realism-wise. Guns look better, Its much, much, MUCH cheaper. and as far as I can see paintball has nothing better tahn airsoft. Its a more expensive game and far from realistic.


Range: Depends on your gun. Assault rifels are looking at 50-60m if upgraded etc, but the best ones can hit 80m


How often: I havent played much recently but im gonna play alot over then next few months, once every two weeks or so, maybe more regularly, just depends what im doing on different days etc.


AEG= automatic electric gun

GBBR= gas blowback rifle

AEP=automatic electric pistol

BASR= bolt action sniper rifle

Best makes= Tokyo marui, systema, vfc, g&p, g&g, classic army, ICS, Inokatsu, WE tech, to name a few.


Costs= £15-£25 depending on what site you play a. £8 for 3000 rounds, thatll last me 1.5-2 days of playing. In paintball £8 will buy you about 100 paintballs.


Welcome to the forums :)

any Q's feel free to ask

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  Rock-climby-Dave said:
because we use air to power the BB's and our opposition (paintballers) are soft :lol:


I see you are Hudds, whereabouts exactly, I'm a marshall at the local site in honley. also, the local airsoft shop is 'patrol base' down in milnsbridge/longwood area


Golcar, I spotted the shop on the web.

As I say, just started paintball but would like to give airsoft a go, get a bit fitter, and have a laugh.

Any advice re local site? Playing dates, etc? Would be appreciated. Also what sort of ages play? Fair to say I'll be amongst the slightly older group I suspect ;)

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we have people from the minimum of 14 all the way to 'oldies'

It is a great way to stay in shape, provided you put the effort in - snipers aren't giong to stay thin forever

Local site is 'First and Only Heywood' next game is the 26th of june, then we have a few mil-sim games coming up aswell.

get yourself down and hire for the day, everything is included and it is £25 walk on fee (with lunch) and £15 for a rifle, camo, mask and 1 mag of Ammo (extra ammo can be bought)


anything else crops up, don't hesitate to ask.

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  Rock-climby-Dave said:
we have people from the minimum of 14 all the way to 'oldies'

It is a great way to stay in shape, provided you put the effort in - snipers aren't giong to stay thin forever

Local site is 'First and Only Heywood' next game is the 26th of june, then we have a few mil-sim games coming up aswell.

get yourself down and hire for the day, everything is included and it is £25 walk on fee (with lunch) and £15 for a rifle, camo, mask and 1 mag of Ammo (extra ammo can be bought)


anything else crops up, don't hesitate to ask.

Do I have to book? Is it worth giving them a call?

Also I have DPM and a paintball mask, would this be ok?

And does this count as one of your three in not less than two months?


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