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Biohazard Airsoft

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An indoor CQB site In Stevenston on the West Coast of Scotland, in an Old Abandoned Chemical Factory.


Cons first, to get them out of the way.


  • Run via Facebook, with an almost complete lack of persistent, useful information about site rules, age limits, or even how the game is played.
  • A sod to find. My satnav wanted nothing to do with the postcode, and then sent me off down a blocked off road.  Give yourself plenty of extra time to find it.
  • 9am for a 10am start translated to hires still trailing in at 10:15, doubtless due to the above.
  • A pretty perfunctory safety brief, not very clearly delivered, in a safe zone with poor acoustics. Combined with the lack of site info, rentals couldn't have had much of an idea what to actually do.
  • Chronograph theatre. Voluntary, no tags, trusting players about their BB weights, and no chronoing in-game that I saw.  Basically just trusting us.
  • The site isn't that big, and you could very nearly shoot down the whole length of it.
  • Aggravatingly inadequate tagging: one red tag on one arm of one team, nothing on the other.  Why they don't tag both teams on both arms is beyond me - milliseconds matter in mixed-up CQB.



  • All that said, in game was a good experience. They know the site well and make good use of it.  There's a lane up each side with plenty of cover, and a maze of rooms in the middle, making it viable to both hang back and exchange fire, or go fighting room-to-room, as you prefer. I shot off a lot more BBs than I expected.
  • A decent variety of games: deathmatch, fall back, find the $THINGs, hold the points, rush the objective.
  • Good active friendly, calm but firm marshalling, and I was particularly pleased to see and hear them dealing with folk taking the piss with semi-auto ROF.
  • Short walks to respawn, and fast paced games with little idle time.
  • They're friendly, responsive and helpful on Facebook, but you do have to ask.


The actual airsofting was a pretty good experience, which is what matters.  Having much clearer site info available up front would address most of the other issues.  I'd like to see a lot more in-game chronoing, but that's an issue at most sites.


At £20 for a day, or £30 with a hire, it's good value, and not run by or infested with nobbers.  I'll likely give it another go.


Ho ho ho.



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3 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

Aggravatingly inadequate tagging: one red tag on one arm of one team, nothing on the other.  Why they don't tag both teams on both arms is beyond me

Tape is expensive, you know...

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9 minutes ago, Skara said:

Tape is expensive, you know...


The Scotch reputation for being stingy is well deserved.


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They were using coloured velcro, which can be had for £1.48 a metre.




It's a pet peeve of mine, not being able to identify friend from foe instantly.  Also, while one side can shout "Red!", what does the other side shout to identify themselves?  "Skins!" ?

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