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Nikon Ir Red Dot Scope

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Make/brand: Nikon

Any accessories included: None

I have done some research and the numbers come up as a Nikon ir scope! New £499 now this does seem to be genuine as the finish and quality is far superior to all my scopes, with the polarised lens, especially the texturised gloss black where the adjusters are. Just looking for an appraisal.





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Don’t want to sound like a used car sales man... but yeah the red dot worked before it went I. The box. Took batteries out to store so I would be 99.9% sure it does! Trying to find my batteries so I can test! 

but assuming it works how much?

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honestly i really couldn't say, i'm not a massive expert on the rarity of various russian optics.


seems to be the "new" versions of it are around the $300-350 mark although perhaps the originals have rarity value?


i'd be tempted to make an offer but thanks to lct's gearbox QC i'm kinda broke right now.....

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