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Tag Inn Rounds - Starter Advice

Uncle Pauly
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So... I’m keen to incorporate TAG Innovation rounds into my loadout.

Airsoft World seem to be the main UK supplier and are currently out of stock, so I have some time to do my homework and ‘buy smart’ 🙂


A couple of questions for those of you familiar with TAG rounds:


1) Are most pistol launchers compatible with TAG shells? And if so, are the polymer launchers durable enough for the job? I’m aware of things like the Kings Arms M79 sawed-off, which I know is compatible with TAG shells. But £200+ seems a bit rich for something I’ll be using only occasionally; so I’m looking at these much cheaper options instead. Anyone here use any of these launchers and happy to recommend one?

CYMA M052 - alloy construction and seems sufficiently durable. The guys at Patrolbase have mentioned that it might need some slight modification to make it compatible with TAG shells (some filing to  remove a <1mm lip on the inside of the barrel so that the TAG shell seats properly). Around £40.

S-Thunder (plastic). I like the compact size of this, but it’s perhaps a little flimsy? I understand they used to make an alloy version but it appears to be discontinued. £25-30.

APS Thor. Another plastic launcher that features a spring-loaded firing pin. Not much talk of this one that I can find online. But RedWolf Airsoft seem to like it. Around £80.


2) Are the green gas (EVO) TAG shells sufficient for general use? Or should I be looking at the CO2 (PRO EVO) shells? I’m aware that the CO2 shells are going to be more consistent year round. But it seems I need the adapter syringe thingy to fill them (+£60-70 to the cost) plus the faff of carrying CO2 cartridges (I already run GBBRs so green gas is more convenient). If I do run CO2, should I steer clear of those plastic launchers?


Cheers for any advice on this 🍺

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"The path of least resistance is the physical or metaphorical pathway that provides the least resistance to forward motion by a given object or entity, among a set of alternative paths. The concept is often used to describe why an object or entity takes a given path." 


As long as the end is not blocked so the energy has some place to dissipate I dont think it will have enough force to do anything to the ABS before terminal energy is reached to propel the projectile out into the world. If we look at Firework mortar tubes as an example they are made of HDPE, ABS and sometimes even cardboard and stand up to the forces exerted on them. 





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Not sure where you're based but Camoraids are now sticking Tag Innovation products & should have a fair bit of stock


Now necessarily on there website but they definitely have stock


Cyma M052 works fine with Tags


Co2 over Green gas all day long, first experience with Tags was using Green Gas & had a high percentage of tags not flying far nor detonating, with Co2 no issues with  either, with Co2 you'll need a filling station as well (FIST)

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So I live in the US, where Taginns are a lot more common, especially at the big MilSims I often attend. I have owned probably 6 GG shells and two Pro C02 shells. I also own the Taginn ML-36 and Tag-015 launchers, as well as a bevy of other launchers. 


So my thoughts. Well, lets start with shells. First off, dont fill the GG with C02. I tried to do that for awhile but it just messes them up. Second, what kind of range are you looking at? Using the launcher sights on my ML-36 or Tag-015 with C02 I can land a round close enough to count out to 150m, weather, gas pressure, and wind dependent. Standard range is more around the 100m mark though when using the shells - the launchers are a bit better still (proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAnSjc7MbRU , skip to about 3:30. This was one of my squadmates at a MilSim in 2017. He landed an Archangel (Impact Taginn) in an open doorway at approximately 500.95ft, or 152.69m using his ML-36). GG with a good charge and good weather (colder weather will affect them like any GG mag, to the point of failure to launch) I could probably get 70m. Still plenty for most weekend games. Luckily the arming mechanism of Taginn rounds is popped by sufficient pressure from the shell - so if you have a plopper like Ive had a few times they dont arm. Or at least I havent had any arm. Another thing to consider when picking shells - which rounds are you going to want to use? I personally like the Fate rounds, as they are hybrid fuse - impact or 5.5 second fuse. Reapers are 3.5 or 4.5 second fuse, while Archangels are impact. Velums are timed, and Paladins are impact (note, be careful with these. They are the most solid round - weve seen technical get their windshields broken by close range launching of a Paladin). If youre going with the 3.5 reapers, no matter which shell you choose your range is limited by fuse time. Heck with C02 shells or the three launchers that take C02 if I fire at the 300 foot sight mark the Fates (5.5 sec fuse) will detonate about 20m off the ground. So if youre going for the Reaper 3.5s, or only shooting ranges of 50-70m or so then the GG should be fine. 


Now, launchers. Youd think a metal launcher was better, but thats not always teh case. A lot are cheap Chinese pot metal. While they are fine externally to stand up to a few bumps and bangs, their firing pins actually began crimping under C02. Eventually theyll compress enough to not work anymore. And it doesnt take long - maybe 20-30 shots. I broke three of those S-Thunder metal short barreled launchers that way. I also own the double barreled S-Thunder polymer version still, and it seemed to work fine (admitably Ive only fired maybe 5 rounds through it, between having the final single S-Thunder fail and getting my current handheld launcher, the Ares M320). My Ares 320 has also preformed admirably, with over 100 rounds through it so far on C02 with no issue. Of course my two Taginn launchers are also perfectly fine. While I cant personally comment on most of the launchers youve listed, when it comes to fitting Taginn shells the only real important thing is the length. The short S-Thunders I had to spin on a lathe to open them up - the Taginns stuck out the front but who cares. If its longer barreled like a M320 or M203 it should be fine on fitment. A note on the Thor - I can almost guarantee you the spring-loaded firing pin cant take C02 Taginns. The shells actually have a bit of blowback. I had one C02 jammed (my fault), and the pin wouldn't move. I tried forcing it with my thumb, and got it to expel the gas. However, the pin popping back almost blew out my thumb. Luckily my joints are rather flexible, but even then it was a mess of swelling and bruising for several days. And I dont trust Redwolf's advertising any more than id willingly fly across the pond to visit them on my own dime. 


One final thing to note. Despite their claims, you do not need a FiSt to fill C02 shells. The Pro C02 shells fill just fine on my two other C02 fillers, and my FiSt 2 is actually prone to failure and issues. I also own a Madbull filler, which I used for quite awhile until I got my FiSt 2 with a large order I placed. I doubt I am a special case, and looking at the fill valves on the C02 shells there doesnt appear to be any obvious difference between its fill valve and that of a standard GG mag or MOSCART shell.


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Thanks guys! Really appreciate your input on this👍

I’ve ordered a CYMA M052 launcher to get started and based on your comments above (and mindful of the UK weather) I’ll probably opt for the CO2 shell, firing TAG Reaper rounds (at least to begging with).


Good to know that the CO2 shells can be filled with devices other than just the TAG Fist, especially as it seems quite expensive for what it is.


Again, thanks for your help. Best advice I’ve found online for TAG rounds right here. Cheers 🍺

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52 minutes ago, Uncle Pauly said:

Thanks guys! Really appreciate your input on this👍

I’ve ordered a CYMA M052 launcher to get started and based on your comments above (and mindful of the UK weather) I’ll probably opt for the CO2 shell, firing TAG Reaper rounds (at least to begging with).


Good to know that the CO2 shells can be filled with devices other than just the TAG Fist, especially as it seems quite expensive for what it is.


Again, thanks for your help. Best advice I’ve found online for TAG rounds right here. Cheers 🍺


Cant guarantee theyll all work, but maybe buy one of the cheap ones for a few quid, and test it. If it works, great. If not they may have changed something, or idk. 

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The 1st party Tag launchers mitigates the need for the expensive launching shells / FIST etc.


Should it be within your budget then I'd recommend the Tag ML36, is an awesome piece of kit, can be used with or without the standalone chassis 



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8 hours ago, MikeMarden said:

The 1st party Tag launchers mitigates the need for the expensive launching shells / FIST etc.


Should it be within your budget then I'd recommend the Tag ML36, is an awesome piece of kit, can be used with or without the standalone chassis 


For most people its not. You and I are the exception. IMO the standalone chassis is kind of pointless - it makes the thing so long that its difficult to carry both it and your rifle. And for the price you can buy an ARES M320 two C02 shells, and a FiSt 2. It gets even stupider when you add the HPA kit - itll cost more to buy the complete thing than any airsoft gun on the market thats not handmade barring the M134s.

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