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New in the Midlands

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Hi. My name is Mark and have just joined.  I'm new to air soft ,done some paint balling in the past and want to give a try .  Hopefully when this over will be going to try out some sites around Birmingham and the Midlands 👍👍


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Welcome :).

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  • 3 weeks later...

@XP18 Hi Mark. It's all new to me too. Based around the same areas. I'll be going to the closest field to me, which would be The Grange in Coventry. 


I'm sure this is something I'll fall in love with, then become a money pit hahaha cant wait!

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Hi ,  thanks for the reply’s.   will have a look around and when some free time materialisers will try and book myself in to one. ,will need to hire  gun on the day and see how we go 




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have a look at fireball squadron at bassetts pole just outside sutton coldfield or stormforce in rugeley both good sites

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