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First off, Welcome



I know the temptation is great but if you're intending to actually play airsoft rather than plink in the garden we always advise playing the three games so you can be UKARA registered and then buy a Realistic Imitation Firearm (RIF) not a painted one.  You will no doubt want to upgrade your gun to something better or change type in future but painted guns (IFs) are hard to sell and you will loose quite a lot of your investment.  Talk to the site you played before and see if they'll count the previous games towards the 3 to get UKARA


BB spitting machine

I don't know how set you are on that particular model but I would say you can get something cheaper for the same performance.  Look at CYMA and SpecnaArms range.

Or spend a bit more for a metal body and a few other improvements.  Personally I think the SpecnaArms EDGE range are very good for the money but again, buying a painted one would be a poor investment.



Any M4 mag should fit.  (more investigation may be required once you have the gun)

You have to decide if you want Mid or High capacity...

Mid-Caps = around 120BBs

+ Bit more realistic with more mag changes required.

+ Silent when running etc.

-  More mags needed so more expense and carrying capacity required.


Hi-Caps = around 400BBs

+ More firepower without mag change

+ Fewer mags need to be carried

-  Less realistic with regular winding needed

-  Lots of noise when running etc.



Battery   (Look for 7.4v LiPo, higher mAh better)

Check for specific gun battery space

THIS If you get a gun with a T-connector (DEANS) or THIS If you get a gun with MiniTamiya connector

THIS is a bit more pricey but same power and smaller so more likely to fit. (Look at gun info for connector type. Will be either Mini-Tamiya or DEANS)

Note: DEANS is the better connector



Charger   (Get the best you can afford to keep batteries in good health for years)

1) THIS as minimum

2) THIS is better but only has MiniTamiya connector so for DEANS you'll need THIS

3) THIS is the one I use.  It charges any kind of battery with monitoring. (UK one is out of stock so get this if you can change the plug or get a UK cable) 

If using MiniTamiya then you will also need THIS


(Others will hopefully have suggestions)




No real preference for starting out.

0.25g-0.28g are a good general weight for most but 0.2g are OK to start.

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^very thorough post right there.


when it comes to mid caps i would point out they are generally cheaper than hi-caps so it's not too pricey to stock up. reloading them can be a pain though so it's worth investing in an odin innovations m12 if you're serious about taking the midcap path. personally i preferr them as you just slap in the mag and forget about any winding shenanigans as when it's out it's out. g&g's are pretty forgiving for mags so shouldn't be too hard to pick up spares.


the first charger linked is ok to start with, but i have had experience with that type having issues with one of the charging circuits dying (and heard a fair few other folk with the same issue). it's well worth the investment in the B6 for the long term.

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1 hour ago, bundy9 said:

 would you say that this rifle is better than the combat machine https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/specna-arms-rock-river-arms-sa-e08-edge-carbine?pv=9447



Got that exact gun down my shed. Short answer - No.


Now the Specna fanbois will probably spit their soy milk over their computer monitors in outrage. "My Specna is the bestest!"...they may proclaim...but bear with me.


It's got a metal body. Big deal. It's so light and made of a cheap pot metal that I would take a plastic body (such as the CM Raider 2.0) over it any day. I also have an two polymer bodied guns, ICS and Lonex in similar configurations (rail & barrel length) and they both weigh slightly more than the Specna. Don't be sucked in by the marketing - their nano-bollocks coating is smoke and mirrors for 'thin paint that comes chipped out the box'.


Gearbox shell. Poorly cast and made of cheese.  The G&G has a better 'box. Not amazing, they can break too, but better. The internals of the Specna are shit. You'll be sending it off to a tech before you know it for a new cylinder, gears, shimming and lubrication. G&G's are a bit meh in the grand scheme of things, but I would still take the G&G any day. Again, marketing - Specna make a big deal about their quick change spring. Most people never need to change their spring. The Specna comes with a MOSFET.....yay i suppose.


See that cool-looking motor grip on the Specna? It's crap. poor motor alignment because it's the wrong angle for a version 2 gearbox. They try and make it work, but good luck trying to upgrade your motor in the long run, SHS high torques and others of that ilk are 1-2mm longer than the mediocre stock Specna motor. Not enough adjustment to stop it squealing like a pig.


The Specna hop bucking. Needs replacing out of the box. People buy G&G buckings as upgrades for their guns. Go figure.


TLDR? Buy the G&G. Spend the £30 difference on a couple of batteries or mags. Use the G&G until it breaks (many don't). Sell for parts and buy a better gun. Just not a Specna.


Literally my favourite part of the Specna SA-E08 down my shed is the included vertical foregrip. And that's now on another gun.





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I haven't tried a G&G because when I was looking for my first gun I wasn't convinced by reviews of them.  I was also put off by the polymer build for the price.

My SpecnaArms Edge (SA-E03) is probably my best gun so up to you to research a bit more.

As Speedbird_666 is so passionate to point out, polymer can be just as good as metal because the metals used in lower price range can be a bit poor.  (I think the Specna Edge range are aluminium but could be wrong)


The B6 is number (3) but as stated they only have the US plug version.  Easy to change if you can wire a plug.  Its quite hard to find now.

Full name is SKYRC Imax B6 but beware that there are many copies which are not as well made so very much less reliable.


Probably number (2) would be best if you can't find a B6

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