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G36 GBBR Tips and Tricks?

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So Ive just picked up an army armament r36 gbbr which is a clone of the we tech. Before anyone gets in there with the "why would you buy that crap" comments it was £75 with 2 mags from a breakers yard. Im looking at turning it into a fun gun I can whip out for  cqb games rather than full woodland play. I know about putting locktite on all the pins and screws on the bolt and changing out the nozzle spring and charging handle. Any other things I should know?

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Get something to control the FPS as my WE tech one can shoot over 400FPS on a hot day.


I have a NPAS fitted to mine. You can get restrictor disc but I don't know if they are any good.

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I'll second the NPAS, my G36C has one. It runs very hot without one fitted, and I tend to use red gas most of the time without any issues. Maple leaf hop rubber and nub are well worth fitting too.

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FG restrictor discs or an NPAS.


Ensure the barrel nut is kept tight, as they have a tendency to work free.


Threadlock is useful if you want to keep the stock barrel nut.


Regular checks on the Bolt Carrier Group for wear and tear.


The cocking handle has a tendency to break off. 


A Maple Leaf HOP rubber is a good idea.


Needs to be bedded in , so expect slightly erratic performance 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok. I got a set of lfs disks to try before getting an npas. they are garbage. dont touch them. On the other hand ive found my gun runs at about 340 fps on nuprol 1 gas so thats an option until I get an npas. 

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