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Looking for Other Players.

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Hi, I've just recently discovered this amazing world of airsoft and it seems like it's right up my street. The lockdown has given me plenty of time to do lots of read up about it an watch plenty of you tube videos and I can't wait to get started when the lockdown is over, but my question is, can i turn up to sites on my own or do you need to be in groups? Ives spoke to a few mates and they don't seem interested. Would it be OK to turn up on my own? And where would be the best places to go in the Merseyside area? 

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Guest DrAlexanderTobacco
  On 05/05/2020 at 22:28, Mike28 said:

Hi, I've just recently discovered this amazing world of airsoft and it seems like it's right up my street. The lockdown has given me plenty of time to do lots of read up about it an watch plenty of you tube videos and I can't wait to get started when the lockdown is over, but my question is, can i turn up to sites on my own or do you need to be in groups? Ives spoke to a few mates and they don't seem interested. Would it be OK to turn up on my own? And where would be the best places to go in the Merseyside area? 



No clue on where's good to play near Merseyside, but yeah you can absolutely just turn up to an airsoft site and play, make sure to book a rental slot so you get all the basics (gun, eye protection, face protection, ammo) - most people are a friendly bunch so you should be able to have a good time πŸ‘ my first game was on my own!

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@Mike28 πŸ‘‹

Welcome to Forum, not to familiar with your area.... regardless check what’s near you and try it out, if your lucky you may have more choices? πŸ€”

Sort out the rental online, then turn up, I was in the same predicament (minus the quarantine!), had a Great time, don’t be discouraged, just have some fun and you’ll fit in! πŸ’ͺπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

@DrAlexanderTobacco is right above! πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

Hope this helps, being stir crazy I’m making vids aimed at the beginners! πŸ”«πŸ˜œ


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I’m fairly new to airsoft also and just went on my own. When you arrive find a spot to set up your gear and starting chatting to people . Most will enjoy showing you their gear and guide you through your first day . Best advice I can give is take your hits , people respect you for that .

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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).

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I found this website a little while back, listing most (if not all) airsoft sites in the UK...   might be of some help.to new players and veterans alike πŸ˜ƒ



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