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First game

Andy Kelsey
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Hi all, just got home from my first walk on at District 23, what an awesome place, awesome friendly people, with plenty of advice and guidance.

I'm only disappointed in not doing this long before now, been trying to get people to come for too long and never thought of just going alone.

Well I did it, and now I'm a member πŸ‘ time to start saving.

Have a good weekend all 


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@Andy Kelsey πŸ‘‹

I can relate to your experience, glad to hear it and have fun getting your Loadout! πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘


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Have you stood in front of the mirror yet to count your 'hit' bruises!

It's a good day out isn't it, time to start tumbling down the bottomless kit hole now...enjoy!

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