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New CQB site and shop for Nottinghamshire

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So UK Airsoft have just announced that they’re moving their shop from Nottingham to Kirkby in Ashfield and Skirmish airsoft are dropping a small CQB site in the unit with them. 
This is what they put on FB,


UK Airsoft Nottingham are moving
Uk Airsoft in conjunction with Skirmish Airsoft Nottingham are excited to announce they are moving.  The current shop within Wentworth Sporting Supplies will be moving to much larger premises at Kirkby in Ashfield (Still Nottingham) hopefully in the next 3-4 weeks. 
Why you ask?  Well this means the shop will be able to stock far more and therefore be able to offer a larger range to our customer.  We also plan to have a seated area so you can simply pop in for a chat and chill out with a coffee while browsing your next purchase.  We are also looking to add a “Tech Bar” so you can come along and use our tools and equipment, a tablet to look up on YouTube anything you need and ask our staff any questions, all in the same place. 
We will also have our “Steel Alive” range set up permanently for players to book in and play on.
CQB Site, the building also has around 7000 square feet that we will be converting into a mini CQB site which will be open Saturdays and Sundays and late one night in the week.  We will be doing morning and afternoon sessions so you can play half or a full day, whichever takes your fancy.  Although this won’t open at the same time as the shop work will be ongoing and we hope to open very shortly after.  The good news is you can pop into the shop and keep an eye on the progress.
We will also keep you all updated on our FB pages  
Stef and Wallace



I thought this was very exciting for those that live in the Area. The choice of local CQB sites quickly became very limited with the Tac House closing and the Stan closed for repairs. And this is right on my doorstep.

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Kirkby is hardly Nottingham.  Nottinghamshire...just....but not Nottingham.

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