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Specna Rock River Arms SA-E05 battery?

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Hi all,


I'm going to be buying this gun in the next few days and definitely want to run an 11.1v lipo 25-50c battery, patrol base says recommended battery is a 7.4v lipo but the gun is of good build quality and has a 4th gen MOSFET installed. Would that mean that an 11.1 of that kind would be alright in the gun for a good period of time without causing any problems? 


I plan to get the internals upgraded for higher ROF within a few months will the battery be fine for it until then? And will it be better suited for the gun once internals have been replaced?


Kind regards,


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  On 26/09/2019 at 01:42, AlexC said:

Why are people viewing other threads and responding but not being able to offer an answer to this one?




What did your last slave die from?


Probably no one is answering because you have the answer and you don't want to admit it because you want it to run faster with higher ROF probably even want to DSG it. One of the things unknown about the specna edge series is their durability as they are still pretty fresh and they are only rated on a NIMH battery.  

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If you're planning to pay to have it meddled with, I'd suggest going with Luke at https://www.facebook.com/negativeairsoft and take his advice on gearing and batteries.  He likes Specnas, by the way.


In the meantime, 7.4V is going to be lower risk.  The Gate X-ASR in that Specna will protect the contacts but it doesn't have active braking or any other tricks to prevent calamity.


Some folk get lucky with 11.1V, I got epic overspin with an 11.1V 25-50C.  It's really up to you how much risk you want to accept.

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