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Airsoft mockups

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Was wanting to double check to see if making mockups of other rifles say.. WW2 bolt actions is viable to do. I'm wanting a mockup made for a film/animation project for college. So an IF or crude mockup which can later be improved in post editing in 3-D graphics might work out.

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The film idea I had takes place in Switzerland so it would involve a Swiss K31 and a Tankbuchse 41 a Swiss Luger would be pretty simple. Apart from that im not entirely sure what other small arms the Swiss would have used just after WW2 1946-1950

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What do you mean by viable?  Of course it's possible to manufacture a thing that looks like a K31, totally depends what access you have to materials, tools and skills.  Complexity is further dependent; do you need the bolt to move, dummy rounds to go in/eject?

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