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Pistol mag pouches and followers.

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When I insert an empty mag into my Condor pouch the follower catches at the bottom and as I push it further down there is a clicking sound. Over time this could damage the plastic follower.

Of course it doesn't happen with loaded mags because the follower is near the bottom.


I was wondering if all pistol mags are like this or if its just because of the design of the Condor pouches which are very tight at the bottom?


Do the open top ones, whether fabric or polymer behave in the same way? Or maybe there are closed top pouches that are more roomy inside.


If I were still skirmishing I would not attempt to replace empty mags in their pouches. I would use a dump pouch.


But I am no longer skirmishing so it would be nice if I could just use the mag pouches for empty mags too.

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Would of thought if its catching the follower, you are posing a risk of it snapping back by a chance, which can break them. 

Unless you can insert the mag at an angle to avoid it catching. Probably best  to refit that dump pouch, or source new pistol mag pouches. Rather not risk mine being damaged if I where in your boots.

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May be an obvious question but does it happen if you put your mag facing in both directions in the pouch (follower slot facing either forward or backwards in the pouch ?) when you re-pouch them ?

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10 hours ago, Druid799 said:

May be an obvious question but does it happen if you put your mag facing in both directions in the pouch (follower slot facing either forward or backwards in the pouch ?) when you re-pouch them ?

Doesn't look like the pouch would take them in that configuration, but I will check on that.


Thanks for the replies.

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