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Manchester Noob saying HI!!

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Hi everyone I've been lurking on the forum for a couple of weeks now. I've finally decide to say hi so....... Hi everyone. I live in the Manchester area. So far the sites I have tried are Anzio camp (Leek), Dagger woods (Preston) and The Kill house (Leeds). I am looking at going to The Vault (Bury) next week as that would be my local venue. I am just renting guns currently but if I like The Vault I will do my UKARA there and Finally get to purchasing my own setup. I am Thinking a Glock 17 and some kind of M4 variant but I have not decide anything yet and those choices may change. I don't know if this cheeky but I am also so looking for people in my area who try other sites that may have a spare seat in their car as I do not currently drive. I would of course pay towards petrol and maybe even a cheeky McDonald's breakfast every now and again :) Thanks for dropping by and reading my intro. Have fun on the battlefield everyone maybe our BB's will cross paths one day :) 

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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey! I'm another Manc noob here.
I'm currently doing my site and UKARA membership games at Invasion Airsoft in Stockport (it's about 15 minutes down the road, and £20 for a 7pm-11pm gameslot including hire and ammo). I've only been to their CQC indoor site at the moment in the middle of Stockport, but I'm planning on starting to attend some outdoor games at their Nether Alderley site soon. Hopefully I'll be scoping out (no pun intended) some other sites around Manchester before long.
If you're not far from Stockport and we happen to be heading to the same game I'm always happy to offer up a seat in my car.
All the best!

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  On 23/08/2019 at 23:44, RussHampson said:

I'm currently doing my site and UKARA membership games at Invasion Airsoft in Stockport...



Ha! Me too 🙂


So far done one Sunday session at the Invasion CQB site and loved it. Nice bunch of people and that old mill building is great as a venue. Probably heading down there this Sunday...

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  On 24/08/2019 at 00:20, Uncle Pauly said:


Ha! Me too 🙂


So far done one Sunday session at the Invasion CQB site and loved it. Nice bunch of people and that old mill building is great as a venue. Probably heading down there this Sunday...


Haha, nice!
Yeah, they're good guys down there. I like the general "don't be an idiot and everything's fine" attitude that the owner and marshalls have.
I'll probably be going on Thursday - I'm playing at the Roughley's Bike Show in the town centre on Sunday, so won't have the time (or sobriety) for any games unfortunately. 
Looking forward to joining up though, had my eye on that nice G36 on the wall in the shop!

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