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Best type of headgear

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Looking to get myself a helmat of some sort. My mate has an M88 which seems as it has gd ear protection  but thinking it might get a bit hot as there's no vents on it. So other choice is a new style fast helmet. 

Any recommendations on either of these of even a different style?? 



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I got myself a cheapo chinese fast helmet and found I only wear it in moderate to cold weather. Its an absolute no go in anything above 15 degrees as I get too hot and sweaty in it. But having said that its saved my noggin a fair few times (i.e close in head shots, very low door ways and once or twice a bridge.) You can get equally cheap ear protectors that bolt onto a fast helmet. Not tried them yet but they're on my wish list. I would say anything real armyish might be too heavy. My mk6 helmet was a nightmare and just slid around like no ones business. And lets face it it dosen't need to offer any real ballitic protection. Unless its a really rough game ..............

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