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FRV shooters Belt VS Raptor tactical odin belt make III

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Need to decide between the 2 of these by Friday. The only thing I am concerned about is on the FRV belt it looks like you have slack that goes on the outside taking up molle space (that I likely wouldn't use anyway?) 


Looking for opinions on these to help me decide about 30 pounds between them but I will be ordering a few mag pouches from tactical-kit anyway so shipping isn't a big deal. 



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it's worth noting that the inner velcro belts are different widths. The FRV is about 2 inches (1.9685) while ronin is 1.5inch so fits on standard trousers easier this is important for some people wanting to run a jeans loadout etc. 


However you could buy a cheap inner belt and still be quids in and have the option to run the belt with the thicker inner if it was weighted down the extra velcro would probably help? 

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