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Any way to upgrade this

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I'd never heard of it until your post, just looked up what it is and how much it is and the first shop that it came up as being stocked by on everyone's favourite search engine and I think the answer is pretty much going to be "no".


Genuinely not worth the effort as anything you could do would be extremely limited, get very little improvement and probably cost more than the gun.

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Adding a link to the gun / site you bought it from would help.  Just like @Philby21 I had also never heard of one before and so using Googlefu the first result I saw was a transparent gun from a shite BB shop (any retailer with BB in the name is a place to avoid).  The best upgrade would be to throw it in the bin and buy an actual airsoft pistol from a reputable shop.  Whilst all airsoft guns are BB guns not all BB guns are airsoft ones.

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3 hours ago, Knights1986 said:

Any way of upgrading my black viper um 653 



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