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Where to get metal versions of these rail bits?

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Cheap plastic breaks easily, feels like my headset is gonna pop out whenever I stick my bucket on.



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You wont get metal just better quality plastic ones .



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Seems the only metal part I can find is the NVG mount adapter;



Rather than make a new topic, I've decided to sell my unused Dye-i5 as it won't fit with my helm/headset - 


I really like the look of these , but seems the problem with goggles is fogging and sweat, I've been allover ebay and aliexpress and there's even a pair with a mini fan inside but apparently it doesn't do shit - any recommendations for a good pair? The strap can go under the helmet I think it'll just get in the way of the headset if it's fitted like that;



I was going to get one of those ugly looking mesh face guards but I found this https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07J3ZQ1NK/ which has mesh in the mouth area to protect your teeth, thoughts again anyone?


thanks again.

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I’ve got a set of TM fan goggles and my son has a set of FMA ones and both work absolutely fine .

Your going to absolutely cook in those hood’s there fleece !

theres plenty of other options for face protection out there just keep looking , you’ll find what you need .👍

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