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WE Big Bird Top Slide Jammed! :(

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Like it says in the topic, sadly.

I quite like my WE Big Bird, but it recently developed a fault whereby I cock it, pull the trigger and it just blasts straight through a full mag in a split second. Not cool.

OK, trigger sear probably. Great, I'll sort that.

Except ... top slide is jammed on. Feels like it's catching at the rear, I would guess on the hammer.

Anyone got any solutions to this? How the f... do I get the damn slide off?

I haven't resorted to whacking the back of the slide with a big hammer. Yet...


All assistance gratefully received.

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Can you get to the void at the back of the slide?

If you can, pack that space with kitchen roll, tight as you can, then the hammer can’t rise and jam in the void.

Works perfectly on Glocks  

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