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Cm700a upgrades

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Hi all, I recently purchased a cyma M40A3 and am looking at upgrading it a bit, I can find a hop unit that will work but I’m not sure which rubber I’ll need for it, I’m also having trouble finding a new barrel for it. Any help would be greatly appreciated 

This is the hop I found https://airsoftpro.cz/en/gun-parts-upgrade/sniper-rifles-parts/for-cyma-sws-m24/cnc-hopup-komora-pro-m24-gen.2-detail

the barrel is 380 mm long.

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If I were you, I'd wait until I get it, take it apart, do the DIY mods as usual and check how it performs. Then upgrade what's needed.

If the hopup is for example compatible with the VSR, I'd get a Gunsmithy hop arm and a maple leaf bucking.

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Thanks for the help, can you recommend any good barrels and stockists? I’ve been looking about and everywhere I’ve looked is sold out or doesn’t offer barrels of that size

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  • 2 months later...

Hi mate,like Samurai said,do the free mods before spending any cash.I have just done the biro pen nub mod on my Cyma 701 and was amazed at the huge improvement in accuracy plus no more wild flyers too.Well worth the time and effort,good luck.😉

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