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GHK AK nozzle guidance needed

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I was looking at purchasing a 1 joule nozzle, but the issue I am struggling to find details about is if I used 0.28g/0.3g bb's, what would the FPS drop down to compared to the 0.2g at 330 fps as advertised? I only worry because of the UK joule limit, and I do not want to be running hot using heavier ammo with a lower fps, but a possibly higher joule rating.


I have seen mixed reviews on the FG Airsoft adjustable nozzle, so I am quite wary of buying that. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

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did you ever get any feedback/info on this. I am about to be in the same position.






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War22air...can you tell me where you got your fg Airsoft ghk ak nozzle from? Can’t seem to find them anywhere. I’m starting to think they have either been discontinued or the m4 version fits the ak too.

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It wont be exactly 1 J as it varies according to gas and temp.  It will come in under UK regs though.

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I’ve been told that the ratech npas nozzle will fit in a ghk ak. Is this the case?


I can’t find an fg nozzle anywhere.



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