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Looking to get into airsoft Oxford area

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Hey all,


thanks for allowing me to join the site, I'm looking to get into airsoft in my area (Oxford) ive played around with my kwc 1911 which is twotone and love the feeling hitting the targets in the garden!

would love to actually play properly but dont know anyone or where in my area.


any suggestions, am willing to travel within reasonable distance.


many thanks


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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).


The search tool has a 3 character minimum length, try a search term and read results.  For example the term "oxford" finds this:



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Guest Yukarin

Be careful with that KWC 1911, my friend has one and it was firing waaaaay above site limits. Presuming yours is CO2?

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Welcome. When I lived near Oxford as a teenager I played at Finmere, which I used to really enjoy. The bloke that ran it then, Mike is a really nice guy and still runs it to this day.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Ali

My friends and I live around reading/wokingham and we play at Gunman (Eversley) and Red Alert (Thatcham/Newbury). I don't know if these are too far south for you?


Both very well run sites with friendly staff and good grounds with decent and friendly regulars. Walk on or hire is available at both.  


Gunman do a skirmish weekend normally in the first weekend of the month and a film sim weekend in the middle weekend of the month, either at their Alpha or Bravo sites (Gunman Eversley has two sites).


Red Alert do a single day skirmish every weekend, alternating between Saturday and Sunday.


Gunman have a skirmish event this weekend with plenty of spaces left if your free this weekend. 


Hope to see you there some time.



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