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GBBR work needing doing

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My WE MP5 Apache’s fire selector is mushy and unreliable and I’d like it to be firm and great. I can find my way around the inside of an AEG alright but gas blow-back is a mystery to me. Anybody know of a technician who’s handy with GBBRs, and ideally familiar with the Apaches?

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Cheers for the reply!


I got it used so I don’t actually know its age; between 1 year and however long ago the Apache line was released. I certainly was expecting it to be a fairly non-trivial job and hoping that someone familiar with the aftermarket bits scene would know what to get and where to put it, if upgrade parts are available. As it stands it’s too unreliable to be usable, so I’m willing to consider what’s necessary to resurrect it to playability.

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There's not a huge amount of third party parts other than Z-parts for the firing mech and they don't have anything regarding the selector.


The selector isn't great even on a brand new one TBH. You may have to get creative to find a way to make it the way you want it.


When you say you want reliable, what do you mean? It moves on it's own accord or is firing randomly regardless of position?


Bear in mind the 3 round burst is mechanical so you must hold it down to complete the cycle. If you don't then it'll carry on from whatever shot count it has moved to out of 3. It's an odd thing at first to get used too.


If you want to make it lock better in a position you may be able to either fit an oring to add friction or some sort of glue.... just thoughts.

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I know it sounds like a crude fix, but it the selector is a bit loose, is it possible to shim something behind it, so it stiffer against the receiver? 

That way it'll take a bit more effort to push into each position?

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