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RX carrier inserts?

Guest Failism
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Guest Failism

So i just received my Wolfspider goggles and realised my glasses don't fit underneath, if I was to get the RX carrier would I be able to take it to any optician to get the prescriptions done or would only certain places do them? Is it even worth it or should I just go for contacts instead even though I've never had them before


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if it's for prescription inserts most decent options shouldn't have a problem getting them made up.


in my experience they tend to fog up really badly and make cleaning a right pain, a lot of folk go for contacts instead although not everyone can do contacts.

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48 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

in my experience they tend to fog up really badly and make cleaning a right pain, a lot of folk go for contacts instead although not everyone can do contacts.

They do indeed BUT since I’ve been using the revision anti fog wipes on mine hardly ever happens any more . I give them a wipe at the start of the day and again just before the afternoon start back and unless I’m sweating like pig in a synagogue and then sit static for ages not a problem anymore and even when it does happen as soon as I start moving it clears .👍

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