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WE Scar L gbbr venting gas?

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Hey guys. Been using my scar for about 3 months but today at the game it worked fine for the first 2 games then on the third I got about 3 mags in the put a new one in then *poof* gas all vents so I change to another mag and the same happens. After that I had no ammo (and no gas) go back and fill up for next game but leave those 2 mags behind, then the other 3 (that where working) go.....you guessed it, *poof*


Any ideas of what this could be?


I've already gone through each mag valve and replaced o-rings and also went through the trigger box cleaning each part and lubing and still vents all the gas.


Done some research and saw about the firing pin but mine functions like it should so that's why I'm here


Any help would be appreciated 

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It's winter finally and the temp drop is effecting the cooldown on the RIF would be my guess.


All my gas mags for my pistols did a similar thing today. The valves locked open as the gas & liquid vented (until I popped the mag out).



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