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Mancraft Regulator to HPA bottle

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As per the title, I'd like to screw my Mancraft reg directly to a HPA bottle.


The issue is that the regulator doesn't engage the pin in the bottle.

On the Mancraft site they mention putting a screw in the bottom of the regulator to do this, but I don't remember ever seeing an extra screw in the packaging.


Current my setup looks like this which is not ideal, far too much airline.



Is it as simple as a small m4 screw in the center hole, and if so what length?



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Back to the supplier, that’s surely defective


Just adding a pin or screw would do it but you should not need to do so

.... I’ll just look and see if I can grab a handy photo....


I don’t appear to have a remote line in my old gun cupboard, but I did find a few things I had forgotten are there!


Unless for some kind of  “inline use only” purpose and just using the adaptor type, then the centre hole is for the pin that will open the bottles regulator.


Without that pin you cannot turn the supply on/off and when pressurised it can require force to unscrew .... which you don’t particularly want to do



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..... on second thoughts I’ve just looked at Mancrafts details


They have failed to supply you with an M4 grub screw.


That pretty much means they have built a Heath Robinson system as a regulator!!!!!

Their design is pretty much for a Co2 cylinder with an on/off valve and put a grub screw in as an after thought for High Pressure Air cylinders and regulators


That pretty much means if you use a grub screw that is too long then you will open the valve on your cylinder before you have fully screwed everything together and will be releasing high pressure air into something with a bare hand potentially over the over flow hole



This is not safe handling of high pressure air



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