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AEG making a slight whirring sound after shots

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I took apart my gun the other day to change out the spring and now that it's back together it makes a weird whirring sound after most shots, it kind of sounds like the motor is turning but I honestly have no idea. The gun works totally fine and seems to perform very well (I don't have a chrono so I don't know what it's shooting at but I installed an m90 spring so in theory should be like 300-328). Should I be worried about this sound?

Here's a video of it:


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Sounds like you forgot the Anti Reversal Latch when you put it back together...

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They can be right little sods.  A strong magnet placed underneath the shell helps to hold everything in place.  I was a bit sceptical before I tried it, but it does seem to work.

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  On 23/10/2018 at 12:24, GilbertTheGoose said:

I definitely put it in but I guess I just put it in wrong :( 




You might have it back to front then....

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