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taco-style pistol mag pouches

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Looking for good quality taco-style pistol pouches for my battle belt.  I've read that taco-style is the way to go to both quickly get mags out and put them back without a dump pouch.


I've seen viper do some for £6.50, OneTigris at £8.50, and Warrior Assault Systems at £13...  Can anyone recommend either of these choices or offer any alternatives?  I'm tempted to go cheap on pouches because they do such a basic job - as long as mags don't fall out, how much can a difference in quality make?

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Quality can make a big difference, if you want stuff to actually last and be good value, it's generally well worth putting in at least some investment initially.  Better to buy a £15 piece of gear once than an £8 piece 3 times.


Warrior stuff is always rock solid though, absolutely bomb proof stitching and materials, over-built if anything.  Viper.. it's a gamble, sometimes ok, sometimes falls apart, as with a lot of the very cheap gear.  OT, I have no experience of, I'm sure they'd be fine for airsoft.

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I've got a viper one of these pouches, bought it as an emergency last resort. They're useless, at least for my M&P mags but I struggle to see them being much use for others 


The Warrior ones are great as CK said, very tough and dependable. Strong retention, my go to choice.


I've got a couple of Nuprol ones too, they're surprisingly decent, not far off the Warrior ones 

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