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M4 to 416

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Hi all!

, would love some advice on a new project I’m hoping to start and weather if it’s actually achievable.


I have a nurprol delta defender and I’m looking to build an alternative upper receiver with the HK416 handguard to switch between an M4 look and 416. 


Now what I ask of you guys is that I’ve been looking everywhere for one of these guards but no such luck - any tips where I can find one ?, also what other parts I might need to buy( still a slightly new )


Looking for the build in full metal too and I’ve attached a pic to show you what I mean. 

Thanks and any help is appreciated :)


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Just in case you aren't aware, the 416 upper receiver isn't the same as that of a standard m4- the upper rail is raised slightly- that then sits flush with the fore-end's rail.

As a result if you put a 416 handguard on a normal m4 receiver there will be a 'step' up at the front to the handguard's top rail.

You can see how the rail is raised by the steep curve between the charging handle and start of the rail in the image below  



It's not a big deal as such,  just a looks a little odd,

Quite a few 416 rails and receivers also have a notch where they attach to each other too so some won't fit an m4 upper receiver anyway (far right in this photo)


Sorry if you're already aware, just wouldn't want you to buy the rail and end up dissapointed etc. 

I'd say your best bet would be to build a second m4/AR-15 upper set using a different rail- something else that's monolithic etc.- It won't be quite the same but there are a few that are similar in appearance


Here's a link to a 416 rail anyway




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11 hours ago, Bpixel said:

Hi all!

, would love some advice on a new project I’m hoping to start and weather if it’s actually achievable.


I have a nuprol delta defender and I’m looking to build an alternative upper receiver with the HK416 handguard to switch between an M4 look and 416. 





10 hours ago, M_P said:

Just in case you aren't aware, the 416 upper receiver isn't the same as that of a standard m4- the upper rail is raised slightly- that then sits flush with the fore-end's rail.





It's do-able, but the fire selector markings on the lower won't be right (if that bothers you).


You may also find it's actually cheaper and easier to buy something like this https://gunfire.pl/product-eng-1152216913-SA-H08-Carbine-Replica.html or this https://gunfire.pl/product-eng-1152212513-SA-H02-Assault-Rifle-Replica.html

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Hey guys thanks for the advice both of you :) 

will let you know how I get on. ..... and also come crawling back if I get stuck midway haha

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