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Weekend warrior airsoft

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I recently purchased an airsoft rifle off this company and things went wrong from the start. Firstly the gun arrived after 6 weeks when I had payed for 3-5 day posstage. When questioned they said it was due to the gun being broken and them having to order a new one from a drop shipper. Along with heavy snow fall slowing down delivery.  When the gun did arrive it was broken so I returned it to them at my own cost. Now  5 weeks later I have not received a replacement or refund even after repeatedly emailing them. My emails no longer get a response.


To make it worst I am in the process of moving my house boat and therefore don't have a fixed address even if they did replace the item. Which they have been made aware of. I had given them 2 weeks to replace the item before I moved. After this period I made a refund request by email. In short they had taken my money and have failed to provide goods. My next step is to take them to the small claims court if the fail to comply with my request for a refund which has now gone unanswered for another 2 weeks.  


I wouldn't recommend this company to anyone and would advise against using them. In future I will use a respected name for my purchases. 

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why don't you phone them ?

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I find it very confusing that so many people have to file small claims and fuck around with companies like this. Tons of times I have had stuff go missing, I tell my bank to reverse the transaction and I get my money back. Sorted.

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  • Root Admin

Because if you use PayPal or Stripe and the dispute doesn't work out for you, filing a chargeback with the bank will get you blacklisted from their service. Small claims is usually the smartest way to, erm, make a claim on a small loss like this. Typically the initiation of proceedings is enough to get a retailer to reconsider their position and - as we've seen from Weaponcreates - many will pay the court fees too.


Sounds like OP has given them a reasonable amount of time, but I believe the guideline given is usually a month for them to respond (so you may wish to give them a little longer).

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1 minute ago, proffrink said:

Because if you use PayPal or Stripe and the dispute doesn't work out for you, filing a chargeback with the bank will get you blacklisted from their service. Small claims is usually the smartest way to, erm, make a claim on a small loss like this. Typically the initiation of proceedings is enough to get a retailer to reconsider their position and - as we've seen from Weaponcreates - many will pay the court fees too.


Blacklisted from Paypal? Nope. Never happened to me so far.

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  • Root Admin

AFAIK it's always been PayPal's policy to blacklist accounts when you've done a chargeback against them. I'm talking PayPal specific payments rather than just providing card details. I.e. essentially filing a chargeback against PayPal.

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Well if I use Paypal, I get Paypal to give me my money back. If I use another means, like direct transfer then I request a chargeback. It can cost you a percentage of the tyransaction but the way I see it, even if I don't get ALL my money back, at least the arsehole on the other end doesn't get ANY of my money either.

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