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TM GLOCK 26 with G19/G27 threaded barrel?

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Hi guys,


Short and sweet as I'm REALLY not well.


I have a Tokyo Marui Glock 26 GBB pistol that I adore. I want a G26 barrel that is threaded. No such luck. I'm seeing multiple reference points that talk about my G26 shell with a G27 and also the same but with a G19 Barrel.


In short . . Help!


Thanks guys

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Great! Thank you @rocketdogbert.


I've registered with them to be told when it will arrive back in stock, so that's progress at least ^_^.


Might you happen to know if a G19 or G27 barrel might work in my G26? I know it is an odd question but then I am an odd person. 😁

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Could be worth checking out Rainbow8 they might have something in stock.


As for barrel fit, no idea bud, but as the actual design is the same (assuming as it’s the same maker), if you can get something the correct length, it will fit

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Good info as always!




P.s- You are selling a pair of short M4 picatiny rails right now. If I can locate a short outer barrel 4" 'shorty' i think it's called, cheap all as hell then I'll hopefully message you later to purchase one of them. ^_^


Again, thanks for the great advice!


Tom and Mia 

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  On 04/05/2018 at 14:52, Tabitha said:

Good info as always!




P.s- You are selling a pair of short M4 picatiny rails right now. If I can locate a short outer barrel 4" 'shorty' i think it's called, cheap all as hell then I'll hopefully message you later to purchase one of them. ^_^


Again, thanks for the great advice!


Tom and Mia 



Am I? I do have a bunch of stuff floating about, drop me line, and about the outer barrel, I might be able to help with that 👍🏻

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Ok, NOW I'm doubting my own sanity!




Will do! I have to take care of some things here tonight, (Feed me. Feed moggy. Meds. Bills. Bunny. Etc) but will message as usual. 


Just fitted a new G26 frame, extended mag release, created and fitted some custom fit Talon Grips. Designed and created my own as the cost for decent grip texture grips is nuts. Lol. 


No blueprints online for the TM G26 model versions so created those myself also. Alot of sore eyes work, 😵. Rest time for a little bit.


Hope all is ok with you. Thunder and rain here at the moment so moggy is above a radiator by a window keeping an eye on things outside. 😺



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