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One of my other hobbies...

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If you can't fix it Delboy might be able to sell you a "Bolex" :D

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3 hours ago, Jez_Armstrong said:



I thought this was something to do with Horror so I wanted to post a picture of one of my other hobbies.... Thankfully I googled "Horology" first and found it is nothing to do with horror, but I still want to post this... so... well... yea. I get dressed up as a zombie occasionally :lol:




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I have to admit to having a zombie hunter patch on one of my rifle bags, sorry, not sorry :P


Wicked zombie look btw, I really like that

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Cheers! No bother about the patch :-p The zombie thing is actually one of the reasons I got into Airsoft. Our ZORT  for events are all airsoft players :D

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Is this like an airsoft version of the Walking dead?


One of my fav programmes atm.





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