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Google gulaging guns

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Come and see the censorship inherent in the system.  Oh-so-progressive Google seem to have decided that they aren't going to be complicit in self defence mass murder and are simply not showing results for some variants of "gun" searches in Shopping.  Apparently they briefly blocked all Shopping searches containing the word "gun" and have been rolling it back a bit.  "Toy gun" is now acceptable, but airsoft is still too scary for them.








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Have you got safe search on.... mine has no problems at all. Firefox> google search> airsoft gun. A full list of retailers and descriptions pop up.

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Works fine for every category except shopping for me lol

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Thanks, clarified to "Shopping" searches.  Sorry, I should have highlighted that.  They're OK with us looking, just not being complicit in the purchase of our deadly arsenals.


Maybe they'll refine it further to only no-list "assault style airsoft guns".

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