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Tippmann Upper Receiver Reassembly

Airsoft_Mr B
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Hi all,


Can anyone help to explain what I have done here? I'm sure I put the upper receiver back together as it should be, but the recoil block comes way too far out the back.

I don't have my HPA tank filled atm so switched back to CO2 and it looks like it punctured the bulb and yet didn't release any gas, and the thing won't shoot at all.


Hope you guys might have some suggestions but obviously I can provide more info if needed to resolve.






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  • 3 weeks later...

try putting the metal long u shaped part in the correct position. links bolt to front plastic area and must fit in correct position.


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take a look at this video. It's for a new valve in a Tippmann but will hopefully give you an idea of where you might have gone wrong:


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