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CYMA m4 v G&G GR15 raider

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Hi guys 


As the title say I’m currently looking at these two guns and was winding what your opinions are with them. Is it worth getting one of these (my first gun) or is there something similar but better I would go for? 


Thanks for for your help in advance

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Can't go wrong with a combat machine. I'd prefer it over the CYMA. 

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The cyma is ok especially the combat machine knock offs (like the 517 which I own) but the GandG seems to be the real go to gun for beginners.  It has a slightly better quality polymer body than the cyma.

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Thanks for the help and advice guys it’s much appreciated. I’m glad you said that I like G&G guns just a bit gutted as I was chatting to a chap about buying his but he’s not got back to me in a few days. So going to have to hunt for another one. 

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The G&G will do you well straight out of the box. The CYMA will need some upgrading on the internals, but may give you a slightly tougher and better performing gun. If you’re not keen on upgrades straight away, go with the G&G.

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The cymas not too shoddy out the box. Only now, 9 months or so on, do I need to look for some parts. I've had no mechanical issues with it other than a slight crack in the air nozzle. It really depends on your budget. I called patrol base when I got mine and their response was they have less cymas back for repair than any other gun. When I said about externals I ment the g and gs are better how ever the newer cymas are not to bad at all. Still perfectly skimishable. This might be one of those where this purely comes down to your choice. Why not call a retailer and ask their advise.

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