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Going back to midcaps


So I went and bought 8 midcaps - 4 polymer pmag types, 4 steel frame standard types (along with a sneaky little tan m4 stock because, you know, belated xmas gift to myself!)

What are all the rest of our thoughts on hi cap/midcap/realcap debate? Personally, I'd be happy with a 300rd mag if it didn't rattle so damn much (especially since I've had pistol mags stolen before after leaving them in the field from quick reloads, going back after the game to retrieve them and they've disappeared!)

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I use ASG 140rnd midcaps and they work great. I love reloading and I feel they have just the right amount of ammo that allows you to shoot off a bunch before having to change mags. I also have a few of the G&G 120rnd which work just as well.


I get why people like lowcaps but this is airsoft, not real steel shooting. There's too many parameters such as wind that can cause a shot to miss and I don't want to waste half the mag just to get one shot on target.  


I have a couple of high caps but hate the rattle so I tend not to use them. 

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I prefer 140 rnd mid caps as I mainly play the mall, but outdoors I’ll happily run with a couple of high caps 

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Open up the high caps and put some thin foam on the inside and it won’t rattle anywhere near as much, won’t be able to hold as many but still more then a mid cap.


I do prefer to round mid caps but I can’t resist a cheeky high cap or two for cqb.

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