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JG G608 G36V

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I'm having problems with my new JG G608 G36V. I'll wind up the magazine, insert it into the rifle and begin firing. Around 5 - 10 shots on full auto or 10 odd shots on semi - auto the BBs stop leaving the gun. I find that winding the magazine again allows BBs to fire? I have no idea if this is standard or that something could be wrong with my rifle. I am new to airsoft so it probably is normal xD



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Hey mate,

I imagine the mag you are using is the factory standard Hi-Cap mag with like 300 rounds in right?


It's perfectly standard for a wind wheel mag to do this.

The way to use them is to wind the wheel until you feel resistance (this pushes the bbs up into the feed section) and then fire the bbs. Winding properly should allow you to fire a fair amount of bbs (~30 in my experience) before you need to wind it again.


So again, it's perfectly normal, just wind it a bit between bursts and you will be fine, and welcome to airsoft as a hobby, and the airsoft forums :)

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It tales a couple of minutes of frantic winding to fully wind a hi cap. Just keep going until it makes a louder clicking, which indicates the spring is fully wound.

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