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TRMR tri-shot bases back in stock

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Good news for Blank Friday. Given the number of folk I've spoken with who have been looking for these, I reckon it counts as news that the TRMR .209 tri-shot bases are back in stock at https://www.landwarriorairsoft.com, https://jdairsoft.net/ and possibly other places.


I have of course got my delivery confirmation before reporting this. ;)



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On 24/11/2017 at 8:12 PM, Rogerborg said:

Good news for Blank Friday. Given the number of folk I've spoken with who have been looking for these, I reckon it counts as news that the TRMR .209 tri-shot bases are back in stock at https://www.landwarriorairsoft.com, https://jdairsoft.net/ and possibly other places.


I have of course got my delivery confirmation before reporting this. ;)




Same as Bike chat forums? No f*cking way would i see you here!

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