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Load carrying for the taller gent...

Alan Partridge
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Hi guys and gals!

this is my first post so please be gentle(ish).

I'm new to airsoft but not military kit generally, specifically British equipment.

I'm after advice on load carrying for the taller chap? 

I've recently purchased a WAS 901, but alas even fully extended it's just too short.

Being 6ft 7 can be such a pain!

Does anyone have experience of load carrying for the lamp post tall please?





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6'7" eh? Blimey. <Insert generic tall joke here>


Right, now we've got that out of the way, in what way is a 901 too "short" for you? Where does it sit on you? Picture would be a great help.

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Difficult to show on a picture really, but the shoulder straps fully extended don't allow the molle panel to sit as low as I'd like (around waist level) and the upper flap velcro tabs that secure it to the d rings don't even go anywhere near them as they're almost over the top of my shoulder. 

The back panel has a flap which when unbuttoned does extend the length slightly but again, the grab handle is sitting I between my shoulder blades to allow full length adjustment from the main straps.

Tall bloke jokes? I haven't heard many of those before....;)


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Obvious question, but you are using it with a battle belt right?

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OK, Just trying to visualise this (I have the exact same rig - 901 with a back panel).


Being a chest rig it should sit like this:




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If you want it lower down then webbing may be a better bet.

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Just now, Alan Partridge said:

Eeeeer, should I be ?


You don't have to.

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2 minutes ago, Lozart said:

OK, Just trying to visualise this (I have the exact same rig - 901 with a back panel).


Being a chest rig it should sit like this:




The double d rings sit almost on top of my shoulders when the main carrier is where it's comfortable 

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Just now, Alan Partridge said:

The double d rings sit almost on top of my shoulders when the main carrier is where it's comfortable 


OK, so where does the "bib" part sit?


As with most chest rigs of this type the 901 is designed to sit around your midriff, not your waist.

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12 minutes ago, Alan Partridge said:

My issued chest rig sits between mid rif and waist, the 'admin carrier' I've folded down on the 901 as it was just floating there, I'd say the lower body of the carrier is around navel level?


That sounds like its exactly where it's supposed to be. I suggest getting a battle belt to compliment it and provide some lower molle space.

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Right, personally I'd have it a bit higher up but each to their own. I see your dilemma though. The shoulder pad part of the back panel is way too far back to actually help spread the load in any meaningful way. If you bought it new from UKTactical you should have got the strap set for running the 901 standalone. That might work better for you unless you want the extra back panel for load carrying/protection.


I run mine so that the bottom edge of the front is about level with my navel. Of course, only being a thoroughly average 5'10" makes quite a difference!

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1 hour ago, Alan Partridge said:

It was an eBay purchase, so still returnable.

I hadn't seen the strap sets, I'll look into it, than you !

Any other recommendations greatly appreciated :)


If it wasn't new then you wouldn't have the straps. I managed to get hold of a set for mine from a mate but it's worth giving UKT a bell and see if they've got a set knocking about they could sell you. Otherwise, send it back as it really doesn't fit you!


You could try something more like the WAS Falcon rig https://www.uktactical.com/p-11150-warrior-falcon-chest-rig-multicam.aspx or something similar which has more strap length.

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