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How to upgrade Asg aw308 sniper rifle?

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HI there I have a aw308 by asg. I really want to upgrade this sniper [rifle] because I want to pick people off from a better distance to what it comes with. But what would be work and be worth upgrading. I have seen other forums but they don't give me the right answer. I want to put upgrades in the sniper that will actually do something and what it will do. I want better accuracy and range that's all and more POWER!!! my site limit is 500 and I use 0.25 bbs upwards. Could you please help me asap cheers. :)


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First you need to use the heaviest weight of BB that your hop can lift, want to be looking at 0.40g, and quality of BB.


Have you tried using the search tool?  Try searching "AW308", for example:



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Dear airsofters.  I have an asg aw308 as the title says. I want it to be more powerful than what it already is. I want 500fps I have spoke to many airsoft people and they say if I stick a bigger spring in it it won't break as say for instance the jg bar 10 you put a bigger spring In it and then ithe breaks . If I put a 500fps spring in the rife what would it be like after a while cheers george 

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It will be broken after a while. And as unusable as it is now, just more likely to cause some injury.


You have a decision to make now:

1. invest a lot of money in it, £200+ and you will have a sniper rifle that shoots OK.

2. use it as it is, maybe do some DIY mods to get a rifle that shoots a little better than an AEG.

There are no other options. Putting in a strong spring and a new bucking will not turn it into a useable sniper rifle. You have to buy the expensive parts and have to put a lot of time into it to make it a good rifle.

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