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Is the ICS L86 A2 LSW good for cqb?

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Hello i was just wondering if the ICS L86 A2 LSW would be good in cqb and wouldn't be too big and heavy. I do own a m4 but i am not really a fan of the looks of the m4 so i was interested in getting an ics l85 A2 0r ICS L86 A2 LSW but i do like the lsw better. And is there really a big difference in size and weight between them and does the lsw affect your movement in fast paced rushing games.

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I think an L86 might be one of the worst choices for CQB. Except for perhaps a VSR. Get an MP5 or something instead.

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Totally agree with AshOnSnow on this. The L86 is mostly steel and very heavy to carry all day.  The LSW is worse, as it is bigger.  As AOS says, get an MP5, an Evo or a Honey Badger for CQB. Light and short is best for CQB.  Leave the L86 for Woodland games.

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L85 A2 is fine for CQB, or get the AFV / L22 carbine version. I prefer one with rails to attach a taclight. 


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The L85 is still quite big, heavy and bulky, it's just that most of it is behind the pistol grip, same with the carbine version, except that balances even worse. It's not too bad once it's shouldered, but it's a lot of weight in the wrong place to bring to the shoulder quickly. And smacking yourself in the ear while trying to snap shoot really takes the fun out of things... ;)

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