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Where do i get this battery

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I was looking for some of these a couple of days ago for my Krytac but as you say they seem to be out of stock everywhere, so got these from Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Keenstone®-Butterfly-Nunchuck-Connector-Discharge/dp/B0132TPIBQ/ref=sr_1_5?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1503863628&sr=1-5&keywords=keenstone and they seem to work great so far, just as good as the VP ones i already have and cost about the same plus if you have Prime next day delivery is free.

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Vapetech are a pretty good brand i used to use them for years on my RC stuff..


Here you go guys, you can get them direct..




ATB, Marc..



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