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Winchester opinions

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Started looking around at some lever action guns, and i am desperate to buy one. But not sure which manufacturer or even which type of gun to buy!


So far I have considered 1887, 1873 (including Randall version) and 1892


Any good/bad experiences with any of these? Which one is most fun/has best performance?


Thanks in advance

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I'd say these are display guns, nothing more. If you want to buy one, buy one that looks fantastic in a glass box that you can put on the mantlepiece, but take one onto a game and the novelty will wear off faster than your first ten respawns without a single kill.

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I dunno if you can still get them anywhere but there is a shell ejecting lever action shotgun out there that you can actually flip cock. Just sayin'...

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A2 Supplies in Reading (the airsoft shop attached to The Mall) sells several 19 century rifles and revolvers.  Only one a quick search of their website is a gas powered Winchester 1892 Sawn Off by AK - https://a2supplies.co.uk/products/ak-winchester-1892-sawn-off-gaswood?variant=32069747845

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