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Well MB03 running HOT.

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Hey guys, complete noob here played my first session on airsoft today at tresillian with Cornwalls Elite Airsoft, was amazing. 


Got some tidy long distance kills, got hit quite a few times also, definitely hurts like people told me which is the hole point lol.


I bought my Well MB03 Sniper of an older gentleman who bought it for his 12 year old grandson, unfortunately it was much to heavy for him so therefore he put it up for sale and I obviously bought it.


Towards the end of the day I randomly asked to get it Chrono tested, didn't know what to expect but I knew the manufacturer stated it was around 400 FPS on 0.25g BBs.


I was using 0.4g bbs and the 2 readings we're - 


3 joules / 411 FPS

3 joules / 408 FPS


so of course if i was running lighter BBs I guess the FPS would be higher? ANYWAYS I was told I wasn't aloud to use the rifle unless I had the spring downgraded as this is way over the limit, I feel like it is unfair for a manufacturer to state something when actually these things shoot around 485 FPS on a 0.25g BB.


Just wanted to know your thoughts on the matter, thanks for any help and advice in advance. 



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Sounds like a bit of dodgy site that just lets you play with what you've brought without chrono'ing at the start of the day's play.

if it is firing at 3 joules you are now the owner of prohibited firearm.


Take it to a gun tech and get it downgraded before the Police come and take it off you and charge you with an offence.


As for manufacturers selling hot guns, I expect it was an import into the UK rather than UK stock as no airsoft retailer in their right mind would sell you an airsoft gun that would be classed as a firearm under the current law.  


It's down to you the user to check that it's legal,  ignorance of its strength will be no defence.




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Thankyou for your reply Andy, I will take in all your advice and I don't mean to blame anyone or any company I should of asked first thing in the morning, so it's my responsibility, it's already been given to the shop owner on the site and he is down grading the spring as I didn't even want to take it home.

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Pardon me for a bit of a hijack but I thought If a (single shot) airsoft gun was over 2.5j it would be classified the same as an air rifle? therefore not illegal to own as such but obviously depending on what you use it for


Im no expert so I am asking as a genuine question as I have bought a rifle that has been "adjusted" down to 450FPS so got to be careful with these things.

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