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  • Root Admin

Given the context you've just provided in this thread, that still counts as a transaction, so no. The law isn't that dumb I'm afraid.


Rent a gun and play at your site for a bit then get your UKARA before buying - you'll thank us later. A pistol is basically useless vs. even the most run-down rental gun, so it's worth doing.

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My first airsoft gun was a pistol that I bought for some filming at uni, way before I ever got into airsoft skirmishing or milsims.


I still have it, and I wouldn't go into a skirmish without it (unless I'm being lazy and just taking my G19 and nothing else - my "Hawaii Five-0" loadout) but it won't stand up to anything rifle-wise, even bog standard rental guns.



Also, might I suggest a thread shift to Guns Gear and Loadouts at this point?

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  • Head Moderator
5 hours ago, AshOnSnow said:

Also, might I suggest a thread shift to Guns Gear and Loadouts at this point?


Done, as if by magic :)


10 minutes ago, jbscrimmers said:

How do I switch threads?


A Moderator moves it.

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