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Ares striker problem- please help!

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Hi, I just took out the cylinder of my striker to lube it and it won't go back in - there is no resistance on the spring when it goes in, it just hits metal on the last 2 inches or so and stops.


The sear is pressed in all the way as most of the cylinder goes in - please help!

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Don't know the striker, but are there any grooves that it slips into? I had that problem recently with another gun but turns out I wasn't perfectly aligned when I started to put it back in.

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  • 1 month later...

I think there's a pin that prevents the bolt from slamming forward when the trigger is pulled before the bolt is closed. This can stop the bolt from going back in. It's on the left hand side 1-2 inches in which would make sense based on what you're saying. 


You can remove this entirely and is supposed to improve the smoothness of the bolt as well as giving a more even bolt pull, but if you pull the trigger with the bolt open you can damage the nozzle or hop. Up to you. 


In any case try joining the Ares Amoeba Striker group on Facebook. They're really friendly and very supportive.


Best of luck :-) 

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