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S&W M&P which make?

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As per title, I am looking at getting another M&P but want to hear peoples feedback on the various other brands who make them.


I have had the WE and whilst it was ok it did my head in for being unreliable and barely functioning half the time.


So what brand have people used and what do you recommend?


Please state if you own the pistol and aren't just basing you opinion on YouTube videos, I have watched quite few reviews on YouTube but want to hear what actual owners think.  


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I had a TM M&P for a while and it was really good only traded it for a gold match because I wanted something with more upgrade paths and accessories available plus the gold!


I used it around 30 games and put about 1000 rounds throughout it in this time and it never once had any issues with feeding or firing!

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This is the one I have been leaning towards just wanted peace of mind thank you


anyone else's comments on ownership of the TM welcome good or bad 

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Just sold mine, the TM is by the far the best replica in terms of performance, was incredible.


used it plenty of times and can say it's leaps and bounds above the rest.


TM hop ups are just incredible, I would say getting the TM is a must.

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I've got the TM M&P9 and think it's very good. However there are a few niggles. Sometimes the slide doesn't always get pulled all the way forwards when you pull and release. Normally it's ok but there is a sticking point in the action where if you don't pull it completely back there isn't enough power in the spring to get over it.


Also the plastic stick which holds the grip in place may become loose and fall out. I lost my original so with my replacement I put a little piece of tape on it to hold it in place.

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